Friday, February 20, 2015

Today was kind of one of the worst days of my life. the first thing that happened today was that right when i woke to get ready for school, i went to the bathroom to pee as usual {because i dont like the bathrooms at school} i see that i had started my period. i hate having my period especially since i have a irregular schedule. my schedule is i start my period ever 2 months, and when i start it i only have it for 3~5 days. however, the thing is that when i get my period i have the worst symptoms anybody could have. i start cramping really hard that i cant get up, and i still have to go to school!

the second thing that happened today was my mom made me give my phone to my grandma! my phone is my tool for school. even though i dont use it during school, i still have a lot of use before and after school. for example, what am i supposed to do in the morning while im waiting for the bell to ring. plus i get to school so early its not funny. i get to school at like 6;43 when school starts at 7:37!  and after school. i had to sit with a complete stranger. it was so awkward because i didnt have anything to keep me occupied.

there were other things that made me so mad but i cant remember but yeah. biya besties see ya later

Song Of The Day: Im Not The Only One By Sam Smith 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hey! Today is the start of my blog. I know you don't know me so let me introduce myself. I want to keep my name private so I'd like you to call me Mouse or Mia. My name is neither of those but it's pretty close. If you didn't know i like to not use much grammar and i sometime to spell right or capitalize at certain times. I'll sometimes talk about my life and add a song at the end of each story that would go with the theme. My everyday life isn't like everyone else's. I live with my mom. my older sister, and my grandma. Me and my sister can get along...sometimes. My heritage is filipino and something else but id like to keep that secret. My family has a good amount of money but we have to use it wisely. That means that I can't get EVERYTHING that I want. im sometimes insecure about myself but i know i shouldn't. Anyways, this blog is for me to let things out and know that there are people out there like me. If you want to talk to me privately then email me if u want me to share my response and broadcast what you said then just comment on any of my post. biya besties see ya later!
Song of the day:Change Your Ticket One Direction